Cooling Comparison
Gel Ice Thermo-Strips
- More cooling watts per ounce as compared to Phase Change packs.
- “Green” gel is completely non-toxic & non-flammable.
- Proven track record of reducing body core temperature for 2-4 hours.
- More economical than Phase Change packs.
- May be used interchangeably with Steele Thermo-Phase60°™ packs.
Click Here to see Test Reports
- Requires a freezer to re-charge packs.
- Can initially be perceived as “too cold”.
- Concern that cold packs can cause vasoconstriction/erytherma or “red skin” which slows the lowering of body core temperature.****
Phase Change Cooling
- Medium cooling power: 59.5 watts Click here for full test report: Thermal Mannikin Testing of a MicroClimate Cooling System Gel Ice vs Phase Change
- Can be recharged in ice water, refrigerator or freezer, but does not require a freezer.
- Maintains a consistent 60° temperature for 2-4 hours.
- Long lasting & durable.
- May be used interchangeably with Steele Gel Ice Thermo-strips.
- Some safety measures required. Click here for Thermo-Phase60° MSDS
- No data available to date that confirms core cooling capability.
- More expensive than Gel Ice Thermo-strips.
Evaporative Cooling
- Lightweight
- Low-profile
- Economical
- Uses easily available water as cooling source
- Provides only light cooling power
- Ineffective in humid conditions
- Ineffective under protective clothing
- Limited life span
Any cooling item that directs the user to “soak in water” before using.
***Steele recommends wearing a layer of clothing, such as a t-shirt, between the vest and the user to alleviate the “red skin”. The fact that the SteeleVest is HIGHLY effective in lowering body core temperature has been well documented over the past 30 years.