Medical Vests

A Personal Cooling Vest for MS

100% Made in America since 1984! 

For people with medical conditions, such as Multiple Sclerosis, overheating can be a major problem. It can drain strength, exacerbate symptoms, and prevent a person from enjoying outside activities away from air conditioning.    In the late 1980’s, after being approached by a MS Support Group, Sandra Steele re-designed the popular industrial version of her cooling vest to make it lighter and more user friendly.  Since then literally thousands of people suffering from MS, or other heat sensitive medical conditions, have had their lives enhanced by the benefits of cooling with the Steele Cooling Vests!  Both the MS Association of America and the MS Foundation supply the Steele Personal Cooling Vests as part of their Cooling Programs. Steele now has two different types of cooling packs available for use with the Steele Body Cooling Vests:

Steele Gel Ice Thermo-Strips “Green” gel ice packs are composed of corn starch & water and will freeze overnight in a regular home style freezer.  They are documented to lower body core temperature.  Cooling duration is dependent of the size of the packs used, and environmental factors such as ambient temperature & humidity, but is typically 2-4 hours

Steele Thermo-Phase60° PCM Packs Phase change packs can be re-charged in a refrigerator or with ice water.  Steele Thermo-phase60° packs maintain a temperature of 60 degrees and will last 2–4 hours before needing to be re-charged.    Some safety measures required if inner contents of packs come into contact with the skin or eyes.  Ideal for those who do not have access to a freezer.
